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We are a 100% Volunteer Organization that partners with community residents, businesses and government agencies to move our vision forward.  Every dollar raised goes directly into the project.  

Friends of Granger Paths, Inc is a 501 (c) (3) non-profit organization. 


Friends of Granger Paths advocates for the development of community-wide multiuse paths and educates and the public about the health, community building, and environmental benefits of these amenities. Friends of Granger Paths envisions a community that is multi-modal, where drivers respect pedestrians, runners, bicyclists, and where any member of the community including children can walk safely to their destination. Friends of Granger Paths values safe alternative means of transportation for the use of all, a public realm that welcomes people of all ages and physical abilities, connectivity between neighborhoods and subdivisions, vital downtown and neighborhood areas and public spaces that promote human interaction.


Our vision is to bring about a non-motorized 21-mile system of safe, multi-use paths in Granger that will link neighborhoods with the library, schools, ball fields, churches, stores, and other points of interest in our community. 

Multi-use paths promote a lifestyle that is healthy, environmentally friendly, creates a connected community and improves the value of our homes.  Our hope is that this system will continue to connect the Granger community to Mishawaka, South Bend, Notre Dame, Elkhart and Michigan.


Friends of Granger Paths came about because of a 2002 community meeting held by then County Councilman Dale De Von to help define a vision for Granger.  FGP worked closely with residents, St. Joseph County, Michiana Area Council of Governments (MACOG), Granger Business Association and Ball State University  to develop an overall plan for potential paths to connect the community.

In 2006 we held our first 5K Run/Walk to raise public awareness and funds for our vision. Starting in 2008,  FGP was awarded a number of important grants including; Bikes Belong Grant, Transportation Enhancement (TE) Grant (2009) and  Safe Routes to School Grant (2010). In 2018 we celebrated our 13th Annual 5K Run/Walk using  portions of the completed Adams Road path!

Capital Campaigns play a major role in our funding and started with our first successful "Get Up & Go" campaign in May 2010 that saw generous support from over 145 business, 8 foundations, hundreds of local residents and Northpoint and Mary Frank elementary schools that each raised $800 a piece!

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