We need the continued support of residents and local businesses to help us to connect our community. There are a number of ways to volunteer no matter what your talents may be.
Some volunteer areas include:
Social Media
Event Planning
Path Landscaping/trash pick-up
Race and Event Volunteers
Brick Donation Co-Coordinators
Media/Press Liaisons
Sponsor Contacts
Fundraising/Capital Campaigns
Community Outreach
Board Member ​ ​

Please email us at:
if you wish to attend a meeting.
Or, if you have a suggestion or idea reach
out to us at: grangerpaths@gmail.com.
Use the FORM BELOW to let us know you are
interested in joining us and we will be
happy to talk to you about how
you can volunteer.
Friends of Granger Paths relies on grants and donations to fund all of our projects. We must hit a specific dollar amount in order to break ground on the phase the community wants to build. For example, Phase 1B and 1C (Adams Road from Elm to Gumwood) required us to raise $265,000. The great news is with help from our donors and business sponsors we reached our goal and now Adams Road is complete from SR23 to Gumwood Road.
If you'd like to contribute you can contribute online below or participate on our "Buy a Brick" program.
​Friends of Granger Paths is a 501 (c)(3) nonprofit organization. Donations are tax deductible and can be made by check or through PayPal . ​
Mail your check to:
P.O. Box 306 Granger, IN 46530
The Adams Road Path includes two beautiful trailheads with landscaping and benches as a meeting and resting location for residents using the paths. You can purchase ENGRAVED BRICKS to be place at these community gathering places to honor someone special, celebrate a milestone, your business or show your organization's support of Friends of Granger Paths.
We are also taking pre-orders for the new portion of the path which will also include trailheads.
Bricks start as low at $100 and go up to $1000.
One of the goals of our Mission is to link the community to points of interest including businesses in Michiana. We have been able to connect to Downtown Granger and Toscana Park/Heritage Square areas by building and advocating for more paths. We could not accomplish all we do without the support of our Business Sponsors.
There are a number of ways to show your business's support. Whether your organization is a 5K Sponsor, has a fundraiser for us, or would just like to donate, you will receive a high level of exposure and gratitude throughout our printed materials and social media.
Friends of Granger Paths has been very fortunate to have support from local media outlets and we would be happy to share your support with them.
Please contact us today and we can discuss ways to partner with you and continue to "Build Community"! grangerpaths@gmail.com
We are very thankful to all of our donors and business sponsors that continue to help us reach our mission of connecting Michiana one path at a time. None of this would be possible without your support.
Marathon $26,000 +
Half-Marathon $13,000 +
Anonymous 1
10K $10,000 +
Bike Michiana Coalition
5K $5,000 +
Adams Road Development, Phase III
Better Way Foundation
David & Judy Eckrich
Stephen & Barbara Fredman
​Matthew Frank Moore Foundation
Linda & William Meyer
Michiana Bicycle Association
Midwest Orthotics
Bernie & Pamela Veldman
Michiana Bicycle Assoc. Inc.
Miler $1,000 +
Anonymous 2
Anonymous HOA 1
Peter Deputy
Susan & Thomas Fischbach
Leanne & Scott Goble
Donald A. Maylath
Merrill Realty, LLC
Kate & Waylon Peterson
Radiology Inc.
Tina Stansbury - Salesforce Foundation
Mark & Jennifer Smith
Dr. Ronald & Diana Snyder
Aaron & Megan Striegel
Speed Walker $300 +
Anonymous 2
Janine Andrysiak & Greg Bennett
Bittersweet Automotive
Janice Clarkson
Don & Marni Cronk
Nathan Dosmann
Robert & Janene Edwards
Kim Kirkpatrick
Mark A Korody
Erin & Russ Murphy
Russell & Marjorie Midkiff
Mary Alice McGrail-Reid
Chris & Shawn Oliver
Walker $200 +
Anonymous 1
Benevity Community Impact Fund - SAP Software Solutions
Christina & Steven Crawford
Dominic & Sue Demeter
Sally & Dan Dixon
John & Susan Doster
Tim & Janice Emmendorfer
Granger Garden Club
Matthew & Brigette Gray
Granger Community Church
Jennifer, Dave & Connor Haines
Ken & Kathy Herceg
​Russell & Erin Murphy
Susan & Steven Parkman
​Ben Roseland
Dr. Bill & Diane Sarnat
​Tyrone & Cathy Scopel
Bob & Donna Stevenson
David Seidl
Frank & Merinell Thomas
John & Victoria Zwolinski
Sprinter $500 +
Aldridge Insurance
Laura & Brian Baker
​Shari & Robert Baker
Mike & Renee Chapple
The Forbes Family
Steve & Lisa Gerber
Girl Scouts Troop 30097
Indiana Trails Community
Gurudutt & Alakananda Kulkarni
Steve & Christa LeeVan
Martin's Supermarket
Fran & Maura McDonald
Vince & Alisha McNary
​Morris Animal Hospital
Lauren & Jon-Michael Plenart
John & Barb Reihl
Stephen & Shirley Roseland
​William & Paula Schneider
Colleen & David Scholtes
Tyron & Cathy Scopel
Lauren Sucharetza
Scott & Vonnie Trumble
Peter & Denise Trybula
David &Deborah Tuttle
Urban Swirl
Stroller $100 +
Anonymous 4
Reginald Bain
Jan Baldini
Mike Bieganski
Bittersweet Road Family Dentists - Dr. Manuel Lopez, D.D.S.
Alan Blunt
Alan & Tammie Brown
Joanne Cauchi
Peter Cholak
Sarah & Tom Cira
Tim & Robin Cira
Brett Colter
Dr. Thomas & Roberta Corke
Cindy & Dain Crawford
Dec-O-Art Inc.
Joan & Martin Dooley
Randolph Ferlic
Greg & Heather Hakanen
Philip & Claire Hayes
Michelle & William Heffelfinger
​Michael & Sandy Hollowell
Bruce Huber
Keith & Lori Ann Hunter
Jill Jaronick
Allen & Marilyn Rakestraw
Sascha Jautze
John Boettcher Sewer & Excavating
Annette Johnson
Wayne Leuthold
John & Nan Linn
Shelly & Ken Lindsay
Kathryn Lubker
Michael & Beverly Lupa
Eric & Jennifer Marion
Jeremy & Jodie McCaskill
Kurt & Lisa Metros
Juan & Michelle Migliore
Kathy Miller
Raquel Muessig
Nancy Nalepinski
Nelson & Teri O'Rear
Joseph & Ardith Opferman
Melanie Palmer
Eric & Michelle Pearson
Rodney & Cheri Pickard
Mark & Carole Plinkinton
Nevada Porokney
Tom & Mary Carole Porter
Chris & Erin Putt
James Quinn
Remax 100 - Kenneth Kent
David Riley
Stephen & Shirley Roseland
Michael & Doreen Sandroni
SAP Software Solutions
Phil & Julie Schreiber
The Slabaugh Family
Steve & Tara Spivey
Gladys & Gerhard Stahnke
Jeffery & Pamela Stesiak
Gawain & Wanda Steward
Jennifer Prosperi-Sullivan
Sunny Haven Recreation Park
The Taccheri Family
Judy Truitt
Patrick Utz
Monika & Mitchell Wayne
James & Jean Wenke
Jeanne & Gary Wiesel
Anthony M. Zappia
James & Min Zhang
Friends $10 +
Anonymous 7
Antia & James Andrasco
Jackie & Peter Ashley
Joan Baca
Kevin & Heather Bell
Thomas F. Bonnell
Linda & Jeffery Botich
Marsha Brook
Tom Carroll
Dr. Doris Collins
Alexander Corning
Suzanne Cox
Diana Devlin
John & Sylvia Dillon
​Julie Driggers
Bob Franken & Cathy McCormick
Judith Fredine
Nick Fredman
Gary & Jill Girzadas
Thomas Gryp
Larry & Janice Harding
Matthew & Shannon Harrington
James & Sheri Hipskind
​Sadie Hunter & Lily Francis
Eric & Renee Johanson
Patricia Kaiser
David & Carol Kirkner
Courtney Koelbs
Ken & Tina Kramer
Bob & Peggy Krok
​Shawn Lenfestey
Kenneth Lindsay
Missy Little
Laurie & John Marson
Kathy & Clifford Martin
Dr. & Mrs. Michael McCrea
Kelly & Laura McGuire
​Michiana Window World, Inc.
Christopher & Christie Neely
​Kelly & Deb Neubauer
Richard & Mary Nimtz
Kurt & Julie Ohlson
Carl & Arlene Palka
Thomas & Joanne Ramey
Janson & Jennifer Reihl
Anna Riblet
Linda Rock
Molly Scheel
​Schenk Ketzer KOA Campground
Steven & Kathy Schwier
Mark & Laura Sisti
Bruce & Linda Smith
Michelle & Michael J. Stesiak
Ron & Cheryl Stuckey
Posi Tucker
Robert & Melanie Webb
Charlotte Wilk
Ron & Linda Witchie
Mark & Dawn Wobbe
David & Dianne Wojcicki
Don & Roxanne Wolfram
Celia Yang
Charlers & Carol Yates
Steve Zeller
Don & Cookie Zerfas
Arthur & Julie Zielinski
​Jennifer Zody